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Spring Stream 2025

Thank you for joining us this March for Starlight's annual Spring Stream event kicking off Mar10 Day Weekend!

Please fill out the following information to confirm your participation.

When: Stream anytime March 7-31
Where: Set up your fundraiser page through Tiltify

Please read the following:
  1. If you want to receive pre-stream T-shirt, submit your registration by Monday, February 17th.
  2. Join our Discord for updates and questions.
  3. Check out our streamer resources.

Contact Information

Data collection is incredibly important for non-profits. However, if you do not feel comfortable sharing your first & last name, please use: LOREM IPSUM

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Participation Details

Fundraising Stream Schedule
We understand these times are subject to change. If you'd like to alter your schedule down the line, please reach out to your Starlight contact or reach out in the Starlight Discord's Help Desk channel. Additionally, continue to follow the instructions in the Starlight Discord to have the Go Live Bot post when you Go Live.

All times on a 24hr clock: 4PM = 16:00.

All times on a 24hr clock: 4PM = 16:00.

Twitch Front Page

Ex: should just be StarlightUS

Please provide up to five submission dates and times you plan to stream and fundraise for Starlight to be considered for Front Page. To add more than one, please select the Add another response link below.

Thank you for submitting for potential front page for your Starlight fundraiser! We are excited about this opportunity for potential exposure to our mission and your stream. Due to the volume of submissions, we will only notify you if you have been chosen by Twitch for Front Page! 

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Your Social Media
In order to promote or feature your event(s).
@StarlightUS OR
Twitter Campaign Info
Stream For Starlight's motto is "When you play, kids win." How do you incorporate (or plan to incorporate) the "power of play" in your streams?

Submit a clip below! Bonus points if it was during a past Starlight fundraiser.

Disclaimer: If the clip is during a fundraiser for a different non-profit, due to trademark issues we will be unable to share on our social platforms.

Max: 280 characters

Your answer to the above question could be featured alongside your headshot/emote, username, and content category on the Starlight Twitter throughout February and March!
[OPTIONAL] Provide an image so we can promote your broadcast!

Image options include: 
  • Headshots (full size, landscape/square preferred)
  • Emotes
  • Logos
Minimum size: 500x500

Acceptable file types: PNG/JPEG

File size preferred: No larger than 300kb

Story and Photo Consent
I grant Starlight permission regarding the following: I grant Starlight and any of Starlight’s agents, corporate partners, assignees, or licensees (“Released Parties”) the irrevocable, unconditional, and unrestricted right (but not the obligation) to use any photographs, videos, my name, image, personal characteristics, essays, personal story, biographical material, artwork, voice and/or likeness (“Materials”) in any promotions, publicity, and advertising utilizing the Materials respecting the Released Parties. I acknowledge that I will not receive any compensation for any use of the Materials. I waive and release all Released Parties from any and all claims or demands. I may now, or in the future, have, arising out of, or in connection with, this release agreement or the Materials including, without limitation, any claims respecting invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, right of publicity, defamation and any other personal and/or property rights. By providing my email address to Starlight, I am opting in to receive emails from Starlight regarding this event and other Starlight news.